Preparing for Gender Impact Assessments
(Educational organisations)

Course summary

In this course, you'll build your knowledge to understand why Gender Impact Assessments are important. We'll start by learning about the difference between gender equity and gender equality before looking at the socio-ecological model. We'll then look at the obligations of defined entities under the Gender Equality Act 2020 and consider what’s required to conduct Gender Impact Assessments in your workplace.

This course is for any person working in a defined entity who may be required to complete Gender Impact Assessments in their workplace. It will improve your knowledge of some key concepts related to Gender Impact Assessments and give you the information needed to begin completing them in your workplace.

Course information

Expand the tabs on the right to find out the finer details of this course before you get started on your learning journey.

Course version history:
- Version 2.0 as at August 2024: Updated course name - Preparing for Gender Impact Assessments (Community). Formatting updates.
- Version 1.1 as at July 2023: Pre and post-course evaluations added
- Version 1 as at July 2023: First version published.

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BY: Credit must be given to Women’s Health Goulburn North East, the creator.
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